Volicaid Drop

Volicaid Drop



SIMETHICONE 40mg, DILL OIL 0.005ml, FENNEL OIL 0.0007ml”



VOLICAID DROPS is formulated with active ingredients like SIMETHICONE, DILL OIL & FENNEL OIL  a combination of an anti-foaming agent, an antiflatulent and a carminative agent gives relief from upset stomach mainly prescribed for infantile colic, flatulent dyspepsia and regurgitation. This combination is a very favorable medication that is intolerant infants to calm down from their irritability, flatulence and colicky pain. Every ingredient have their own mode of action with good effects.

SIMETHICONE  functions by decreasing the surface tension of gas bubbles, so facilitating their coalescence and expulsion as flatus or belching  along with prevention from formation and accumulation of mucus-enclosed pockets of gas in digestive tract thus it facilitates passage of gas through bowel lumen and allows patients to excrete a greater volume of gas at one time as a result reduces the number of flatus events.

DILL OIL is an essential oil having soothing properties that relieves flatulence and provides relief from upset stomach. As carminative agent the mode of action of DILL OIL is not clear yet but it works by suppressing  muscle spasms and therefore soothe an irritated stomach.

FENNEL OIL acts as carminative agent it works by increasing  gastrointestinal motility and produce a reduction in acetylcholine-induced contraction thus decreases maximum possible contractility. As a result it promotes the passage of food through intestines and stops the muscle spasm"

VOLICAID DROP is indicated to use in the following conditions of infants-

  • Relieves Abdominal Colic Pain
  • Abdominal Bloating
  • Flatulence
  • Gripping Pain



  • Infants below 6 months: 5 to 10 drops four times a day 15 minutes before feed
  •  Infants 6-12 months: 10 to 20 drops four times a day 15 minutes before feed
  •  Children over 1 year: 20 to 25 drops four times a day 15 minutes before meal


"Before using this medicament tell your doctor if you have any kind of allergies from anti-foaming or carminative agents. This medicine may contain inactive ingredients which also cause allergy if it occurs then contact to your doctor.


No side effects has been recorded till date for VOLICAID DROPS."