Lutiz Kid Gummies

Lutiz Kid Gummies

  • Deliciously flavored gummies for fussy kids
  • Gluten Free & Vegan
  • Promotes Eye Heath and future strengthening of the Eyes
  • Reduces Oxidative Damages due to UV Rays and Blue Light
  • Helps in maintaining clear vision.
  • Lifts off the Stress on the Eyes
  • Increases Brain Cognition

Lutein and zeaxanthin: They are concentrated in the macula, the central part of your retina, which is a layer of light-sensitive cells on the back wall of your eyeball. Lutein and zeaxanthin function as a natural sunblock. They’re thought to play a central role in protecting your eyes against harmful blue light and UV Rays

Zinc: Zinc, the essential trace mineral, or ‘helper molecule’, is vital for eye health, it brings vitamin-A from the liver to the retina in order to produce melanin, a protective pigment in the eyes. Zinc regulates the communication between retinal cells and controlling channels that allow ions to flow in and flow out of cells.

Vitamin C is necessary for your eye health, and getting enough of this antioxidant may protect against cataracts, oxidative damage.

VITAMIN A is an element of a protein called rhodopsin that allows your eyes to see in low-light conditions. Additionally, vitamin A also supports the seamless functioning of the cornea.
Vitamin E is a combination of fat-soluble antioxidants that protect fatty acids from harmful oxidation and prevents conditions of Retinal Degeneration and Blindness.

VITAMIN D2: Promotes tear production, reduce ocular surface inflammation and reduces tear instability.